
Arctic base theme has been build with Zurb Foundation for sites, documentation of the Foundation framework is available at


  • NodeJS is required to develop in frontend code
  • Frontend dependecies should be installed with bower


  • Develop in src folder
  • Gulp watch and build task updates build folder
  • Changed in build folder needs to be commited into he repo


  • The default grid with floats is disabled, the flexbox version is enabled since this gives easier and more powerfull aligment options etc. Make sure the default grid system keeps disabled since it uses the same variables as the flex grid system and they don't work nice together.
  • Inside the scss folder there are 2 setting files, the _settings.scss file contains the default variables of the Foundation framework. To make sure settings aren't overwritten when updating the Foundation framework an _project-settings.scss file is created. Default values can be overwritten here. To keep things simple and prevent cluttering the base variables like margins, fonts etc are defined here also.
  • There are multiple folders inside the scss base folder named modules, pages, partials and vendor. Explanation for each folder below

Modules: Contain everything that doesn't ouput css by itself. Mixins, functions etc can be placed here

Partials: Basic and global styling can be placed inside this folder.

Pages: Page specific overrides can be placed here, overides should be based on the body class to prevent large class arrays

Development installation:

Development installation is pretty straight forward, make sure npm (nodejs) is installed (don't run it as root) and following commands should get everything up and running.

  1. if not already installed, install nodejs:
  2. cd into cd arctic/static/arctic
  3. run npm i (don't run it as root)
  4. run gulp (starts the default gulp task that is a watcher and compiles scss to css)

Frontend deployment

If the frontend needs to be build on deploy (for in example with Bamboo), fire the following commands subscribed below 'development installation' and add the following command.

  1. npm run clean:tools (Removes node modules that were required to build static's)


Most of the times when this happens, there's a corrupt node module.

  1. cd into cd arctic/static/arctic
  2. run npm run clean (this removes all develop dependecies and compiled files)
  3. run npm i (fresh install of develop dependecies and new compiled files)

If the problem stil occurs check error log: /arctic/static/arctic/npm-debug.log

Something to think about:

Don't install anything that isn't absolutely necessary with NPM or Bower. Foundation gives an good base with more than enough options. If additional components are installed make sure there is documentation and it doesn't break anywthing when somebody is doing an fresh install.


Foundation docs: (base framework) Motion UI docs: (Foundation animation library) Abide: (Used for form validation, default foundation library)