
The Arctic User Interface is based on Bootstrap 4 and includes extra UI elements such as a responsive sidebar, float label fields and customizable colors with CSS properties.

The Arctic build already includes precompiled frontend assets, so the frontend tooling mentioned in this document is only needed if you want to do frontend development for the Django Arctic project or need to create a custom UI based on a copy of the Arctic setup and bypass the default setup on your own project.


  • npm to manage dependencies
  • gulp for automation


In the terminal:

  • In the Arctic project go to arctic/static/arctic
  • Install all dependencies: npm install
  • Set gulp to watch all file changes gulp

File structure

All development should be done in the src folder, do not edit files in dist or add any dependencies by hand in node_modules!

Before creating a pull request

Because the project contains all the compiled files, if there are any changes to the css or js the command gulp build --production should be run before the last commit, this will guarantee that the arctic.css and arctic.js are minified

Non Bootstrap libraries

Datapicker and Selectize are initialed in the widgets.js file

Sortable obeys the following rules:

Required html data attributes:
* data-sortable - initiates sortable)
* data-row - defines a row to sort

* data-sort-handle - to specify a specific dragging handle
* data-sort-placeholder - field to save position of row

* data-delete-handle - delete button
* data-delete-placeholder - field to check as delete

Custom Events

  • Events

    • Event name: arcticImageAdded
      • Event data: input html element
      • Occurs after selecting an image on an Image field (similar to the JS change event on a file input)
    • Event name: arcticImageRemoved
      • Event data: input html element
      • Occurs after removing an image from a Image field

    Events can be listened with document.addEventListener('eventname', function (e) { //code to execute //access the data with console.log(e.detail) }, false);